Meet Amrit
Permanent Makeup Artist
You may have seen her before...
There’s something effortless, refined and natural about her.
She’s wears her hair long, short, in a ponytail, braids or wrapped in a lovely scarf. Her dress and look are always occasion appropriate whether she’s working, shopping, or enjoying a magical night out on the town. She glows from within and causes you to smile voluntarily. Her name is not important to know because her aura says so much more. We simply call her GLAMFIT*
In meeting Amrit Dhaliwal, you will sense a very dynamic and passionate person. Her background is varied, savvy, and global. She is part perfectionist, part wild creative genius, part adaptive business entrepreneur, and yes, perhaps most surprisingly, a completely down-to-earth charming connected woman.

Where it all started...
A mission of grace and beauty for women everywhere...
Born in London England to Punjabi parents, Amrit grew up in Western Canada, on the prairie plains of oil-rich Calgary in the majestic shadow of the Rocky Mountains. Educated and trained in a variety of disciplines, she has a degree in Sciences and a Bachelor of Commerce degree in Marketing. She has had a dizzying array of career paths. Working as a Diagnostic Radiographer in the medical health services; making the world a more beautiful place as a Cosmetologist and Model; has inspired countless individuals globally in fitness modeling and achieved an Alumni status as a top tier success in corporate marketing in telecom and pharmaceuticals.
She has spent the latter part of her adult life jet-setting around the world and is a globally published Fitness/Health/Beauty expert and Model, a certified Personal Trainer, Nutritional Consultant, Supplement Specialist, and an Image Consultant. Using her considerable talents, and vast repertoire of skills, knowledge, and abundance of energy, she now turns her gaze to the unpredictable landscape of an entrepreneur.
One Everyone who takes on any kind of mission – whether it’s to change one’s self or to change the world – has to be inspired by someone or some vision. This inspiration is what motivates us to keep going when it gets tough and to not quit until the goal is reached. Amrit was first inspired by her own fantasies as a child playing dress up in her mother’s wardrobe. She loved watching her mom put on makeup and mischievously would try to mimic the look when mom was not around. The ability to re-create a look and take on different personalities during playtime was endless. Amrit mentioned, “I could be anything I wanted to be and that was liberating. No taboos, no judgment, no approvals. I was having fun.” She knew early in life that beauty and style were her passion.
Amrit Dhaliwal, internationally recognized as a unique combination of business, beauty, and fitness, pioneered the entry of ethnic Indian women into the world of pro-fitness modeling. Known as Canada’s “Punjabi Femme Fatale,” Amrit is not only a rare beauty of South Asian decent, she is the only Indian Fitness Model worldwide to fuse two distinct worlds of glamour and fitness; her brand GLAMFIT introduces an elegant fitness physique and aesthetic.
When you see Amrit’s amazing images, read her story, and see her “body of work” – both her physique and her programs of fitness and healthy eating – you know this beauty means business. She is a one-woman whirlwind of confidence and encouragement, and giving back to the world from these inner gifts is just one of her causes in life – a mission to grace the world with her beauty, knowledge and to deliver the message that women can truly embark upon a new sense of self by creating moments of self-care and wellness.
On this platform Amrit introduces her BrowsRx; a custom prescription for perfect eyebrows to suite your facial features and personality. Your brows are an extension of your beauty, style and grace. Every woman is unique, and every woman has her own definition of what beauty is. While there is no one universal definition for beauty, there is no denying that feeling beautiful is important to women from all over the globe. Women flock from everywhere to meet Amrit and gain insight on her wellness, beauty and BrowsRx.
Her signature BrowsRx will not only enhance your beauty but it will provide an instant antiaging effect. Upon spending time with her, women feel special, acknowledged and celebrated. Each woman gets a very personal connection with the fabulous and glamorous Amrit. A woman who cheers on other women to their limitless potential while shaping, sculpting and shading your most powerful expressive feature; your BrowsRx.